Have you ever noticed when you’re stressed your body aches? That’s because stress is a stored emotion and it literally embeds itself into your muscle tissue, causing aches, pains and can rise your blood pressure. Currently I’m speaking from experience because stressed would be an understatement to the recent events in my world, but I know holding on to it will only make the situation and my body feel more like shit. As a teacher I must continue to remind myself I too am a student of the practice and revisiting some asanas to aid me in releasing what’s not beneficial is a priority.
One of my favorite asanas to get all up in through the madness is Extended Puppy Pose or Uttana Shishosana. First, I hate to hear people say this asana is a beginners pose, because there is nothing beginning about completely surrendering. This is not an asana to fight in, hold your breath, or go half into. You must commit. You must be invested in the “let go” for the asana to help you. Secondly, this asana benefits so many parts of the body that holds stress easily; such as: shoulders, neck, jawline, and upper back. The pose alone is one of the best asanas to relieve symptoms of chronic stress, tension, and insomnia.
I think now is a great time to drop down and get your Puppy on. Remember this asana requires you to completely let go, so if you’re extremely tight start on a supportive structure like your bed or with props.
Getting into:
Begin on all fours: shoulders over wrists, hips over knees, tops of feet on the floor. Slowly walk your hands out far as you can (top of mat) as you drop your chest & collarbone towards the floor (keeping hips over knees and arms shoulder-width apart).
Now drop your forehead or chin (depending on how open you are) to the floor and let your neck relax. You may want to place a bolster or block under your forehead to support your weight.
Now, press down through the hands and stretch the arms while pulling your hips back toward the heels (keeping a slight curve in your lower back similar to DWFD). Make sure your elbows are not touching the ground, but keep your arms active.
You should feel a rather intense inner-shoulder stretch. If you aren’t feeling the stretch, check your form. If all is in order, extend your arms out further and lay your chest on the floor. You should feel a nice long stretch in your spine.
Hold the asana for 1 minute at least. When you feel like everything has been released take one last Inhale & Exhale. Then walk your hands in towards your chest, slowly lifting your body up to a kneeling position. Find 3/4 Cat & Cow poses.
NOTE: Like other inversion poses, yes this is an inversion: Uttana Shishosana changes the direction of blood flow, which can cause headaches or discomfort (especially for people with high blood pressure). If this is the case, the few inches of elevation from a bolster should correct the problem. As mentioned this is a inversion so take your time when coming out, moving to fast can cause dizziness.
Lengthens the spine and shoulders
Relaxes the mind and the body
Relieves symptoms of chronic stress, tension, and insomnia
Strengthens and stretches the arms, hips, and upper back
Now you should feel lighter, longer, and full of love. Remember we all go through tough times, so don’t bear yourself up, just exhale the bs out.