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Practice with "your" Element

Writer's picture: Briana Young-RoaneBriana Young-Roane

Practicing asanas has been apart of my daily life since 2000 and I've always been a girl on this Earth but not of it. I live in the stars all day long. Astrology is like a daily bible for how I'll move throughout the day. So, marrying them together makes loads of sense to me.

Recently I've been playing with the idea of creating a Yoga Sequence that can be practiced by each "Element" to help settle, balance or ignite their inner primal connection to this place we call home. Social media, schedules, jobs, and responsibilities keep us detached from the core of our existence: which is just to BE HERE! Bask in the magic of every element working together in harmony to give us this beautiful experience of what we call life.

When you ponder the idea of each element and not a personality or trait it's easier to know what you need to either feel better or light your spirit up. Come with me and let's play with the idea of us as our raw elements within Astrology.

First let me introduce you the Raw Elements if you are not already aware of them:


When you think of the elements you can think about them as a drawing, see the picture as it will always start with the sky (Air) it moves freely, but in a direction of it's choosing. Then you'd have a Fire either being controlled like a camp fire or completely out of control. You'll have the Earth under the fire, with trees, and plants, grass or mountains, and lastly you'll have the ocean (Water) just being herself doing nothing and everything at once. So, let's keep that picture in mind while we chat about the elements.


Gemini, Libra & Aquarius

To define Air - the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen. 2. an impression of a quality or manner given by someone or something. Air needs the Earth to be alive. I mean think of space... you heard of any oxygen there? Our AIR family is considered the social butterflies of Astrology. Air signs tend to allow the universe to sway them in any direction it pleases, and remain at peace with wherever they land. They don't easily get upset if things don't happen as the planned because they never really have a solid plan to begin with. They are just themselves, don't really sure how they got here, but now that they are here they are enjoying it. Air signs are very curious; they seek out connection and knowledge, and more than likely they'd be the pros with social media & gadgets. Most importantly, they are master communicators who can engage with almost anyone. So if I was creating a Yoga sequence for a Air sign of course it would have some flight inspired asanas like: Firefly, Flying Man pose, & but also poses like 3-Leg Dog circles, and Scorpion Dog as well. The practice would move like traditional vinyasa class where every pose is linked to the breath and you'd never stop moving until its done, that is crashing into Savanasa to regain what's left.


Aries, Leo & Sagittarius

To define FIRE - combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke. Our FIRE family needs Air to be created. So there is always movement with Fire. Always trying to get somewhere. Fire signs are recognized for their spontaneity, impulse, creativity, and courage. Our FIRE elements are often difficult to silence or contain and typically pursue big ideas with no apprehension. They have no fear, and that tends to lead them down all avenues which could lead them into lots of trouble. Fire folks can easily be taken advantage of because they are just raging forward they don't have time to check those facts. Fire is either directed or out of control there is no in between. Think of starting a small grill, and you give it to much lighter fluid and a gust of wind comes around, you've now burned down the entire neighborhood. So a sequence for my Fire friends would be explosive and crazy creative with lots of transitions you've not tired. You might be afraid to even try the flow, but because you ain't never scared it's all good. Asanas like Tip toe Upward dog press ups, Pincha, Birds of Paradise, lots of leg floats, and fiery inspired transitions. This sequence wouldn't be for the faint of hearts and sweat would be required.


Virgo, Taurus & Capricorn

To define EARTH - the planet on which we live; the world. 2: the substance of the land surface; soil. The most grounded element, EARTH signs respond well to the things that they can clearly touch and see. Earth requires help from every element to be created. It's the connection every element needs to feel stable. Earth elements would usually be your Black or White folks, because unless gray can be logically explained forget about changing their perspective. However Earth elements need a deep connection with those close to them and are usually very sensual. Think of flowers blooming, it's no rush. It's slow, steady, and extremely graceful until that bloom pops and then opens itself to the world and all the creatures to enjoy while it is dying with unbelievable resilience. So a sequence dedicated to my Earth family would be grounding and rooted to the floor. With asanas like Bridge & Wheel pose, Yogi squats, Hand to Big Toe, Pigeon and of course every Warrior variation. We'd stand tall and hold, we'd sit long and easy, and be everywhere in between.


Pisces, Scorpio & Cancer

To define WATER - a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms. Water is the only element that stands alone and needs none of the other elements to exist. WATER signs come together to form the most receptive signs within the zodiac, but are often thought as flighty and it's silly to me because any element that can take all forms, fit anywhere, and never be trapped most be flighty to survive. Most think of Water signs as escapist, but Water is one of the only elements to be easily poisoned, and being still is almost a deadly task for the element, so trying to escape is a way of matter not a want. Water signs are nurturing and perceptive which allows them to take on the happiness and/or the sorrow of those that they connect with, and they are always aware of how others are feeling. So don't even try to lie to a Water spirit. If I were creating a sequence for myself (Yes I am all WATER) I'd start with some dancer warmups like bicycles leg lifts, Cat & Cow rolls, and Downward Dog Waves, Headstand into the splits and lots of rolls and dance inspired transitions. The more fluid the better. Less focus on where we are going but enjoying that traveling journey in and out of everything but witnessing it all.

Who's ready to play with me and all the elements that make up our wonderful ways of life?

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