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Candle Flame Meanings

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Are you looking to add more magic into your daily spiritual practices? If yes, maybe candle magic is what you’re looking for. Candle magick is a kind of alchemy, where all elements are represented — fire of the flame, air to feed it, melted wax for water, and solid wax for earth. When doing any type of magic it’s important to represent every element.

First thing first:

• Make sure your space is cleansed before starting any type of rituals. • Remember NEVER blow the candle out, unless you want to blow away your intentions.

• When shopping for candles never let the store owner pick for you. And once you bring them home put them in the freezer before use.

Now you’re ready to light the candles and you’ve stated your intentions out loud at least 3 times. So what’s next? Listen… your spirit guide is communicating with you. Here’s some ways you know what they are saying:

Flickering Flame - A flickering candle flame often indicates the presence of a spirit. If your candle was used for religious purposes and represented a god, goddess, spirit guide, etc., it indicates your intention was accomplished, and your request was understood.

Jumping Flame - A jumping candle flame is a lot more feisty than a flickering flame and indicates that your spell is surrounded by a lot of energy. This is typically a good sign and indicates your magic or intention will manifest quickly.

Dancing Flame - In candle magic, an irregular dancing flame represents high-intensity mixed with wild energy. A dancing flame suggests success, but it is likely to coincide with complications. The taller the flame jumps, the more resistance and obstacles you’ll likely encounter.

Flame Pops - A candle popping flame signifies that a spirit or ancestor is trying to communicate with you by using candle crackles, sizzles, and pops. Grab your journal or a piece of paper and write down anything you might hear (whispers, words that pop out from nowhere) it may make sense later.

Flame Extinguish - Typically indicates your intention or spell has been resolved or decided. Your candle will sometimes self-extinguish if the outcome has already happened before the candle is completely burned out.

This isn’t always a bad thing; it could mean that your message was received and noted.

Tall Growing Flame - Your intention was successful and will happen. There’s a lot of power behind your magic; challenges are crumbling; and quick, positive outcomes are inevitable.

Weak Flame - A weak flame will deliver inefficient outcomes, and your intention is up against a variety of complexities.

If the flame is little but steady, it can still be a promising indicator; positive outcomes are possible, although you may need to wait a while.

It can also suggest that the spell is flawed, mainly if it vibrates. It could indicate that your timing is incorrect or that your intention requires more effort and energy before it can fulfill your desire. Maintain focused on your goal, don’t give up!

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Fifi Cosby
Fifi Cosby
Mar 21, 2022

Thank You! Great info

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