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Summer Eats

Its hot outside! I mean sweaty, do not feel like moving hot. And when it is that hot it is really hard to turn on the oven and I am an oven cooking girl. So here is a yummy easy recipe to add to your week. 3- Bean Salad is perfect for keeping in the fridge for an easy snack or dinner with crackers or naan bread.

3 Bean Salad


1 cup of Black Beans

1 cup of Red Beans

1 cup of Chickpeas

(Feel free to use canned beans)

2 tbsp of fresh chopped garlic

1 Red Bell Pepper

1 Yellow Bell Pepper

1 cup of sweet corn

1 cup finely chopped Kale

2 tbsp of Sunflower Seeds

1 Red Onion

1/2 cup of Olive Oil

1/4 cup of Truffle oil

1 tbsp of Sesame seeds

1 tsp of Pink Himalayan Salt

1 tbsp of Turmeric

1 tsp of Black Pepper


  1. Chopped all the veggies as finely as possible.

  2. Rinse the beans thoroughly, especially if you are using canned beans.

  3. Toss everything in a large bowl and stir together.

  4. Then add all the seasonings in and stir it again.

  5. Put the bowl in the fridge and wait until its cold.

  6. Once it is chilled... eat it and enjoy!

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