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I prefer just 1 day of the week.

Despite what we believe about the week, our universe created every aspect to connect to our spiritual deity. The planets are more than just some floating orb in the skies. They connect us to the unseen. Every shift, every tilt, every phase in the moon, every rising of the sun affects our celestial being. In the Vedic astrology known as Grahi, the planets are our physical embodiment. They are only there as long as we are here. Crazy huh? Not really if you think about it. Why are Mondays so hard to get started, and Thursdays seem like a massive shift? It’s all in the where the planets align. So, to help you get through the week, I thought I’d share some helpful tips about what days work bets for you personally.

Grahi/Graha – (Sanskrit) meaning anything that holds or supports.

Grahas are divided into PRAKASH – manifested with the physical body & APRAKASH – no physical body. In astrology Aprakash would be your Lunar Nodes.

(Funny how Yoga and Sanskrit play a beautiful part in our celestial make-up)

Sunday (Surya) – Ruled by LEO

· Symbol FIRE

· Universe: SUN

· Cosmic self/ true personality

· Represents a Man – masculine energy

· Good day for walks

· Colors: GOLD & Burgundy

Monday (Chandra) – Ruled by Cancer

· Symbol WATER

· Universe: MOON

· Is a person subconscious intuition

· Represents a Woman – feminine energy

· A cleansing day

· Colors: Milky colors – SILVER

Tuesday (Mangala) – Ruled by Aries & Scorpio

· Symbol FIRE

· Universe: MARS

· Your physical strength and endurance

· Aggressive energy – masculine

· Best day to work out, run

· Colors: RED

Wednesday (Buddha) – Ruled by Gemini & Virgo

· Symbol EARTH

· Universe: MERCURY

· How you think. Your intelligence, perception, and transfer of information

· Key Term: Communication

· Good day to voice your feelings, thoughts, or desires

· Colors: BLUE & GREEN

Thursday (Guru) – Ruled by Sagittarius & Pisces

· Symbol ETHER

· Universe: Jupiter

· Your spirituality, purity, wisdom, luck, and material prosperity

· Key Term: Noble

· Good day to study and topic, and doing spiritual practices

· Colors: YELLOW

Friday (Shukra) – Ruled by Taurus & Libra

· Symbol WATER

· Universe: VENUS

· Your desires and preferences of a person, aesthetic perception, attraction, and love affairs

· Key terms: Harmony & Beauty

· Good day for love making, dating, and trying new things


Saturday (Shani) – Ruled by Capricorn & Aquarius

· Symbol AIR

· Universe: SATURN

· Your duty, limitations, discipline, and responsibilities

· Key terms: Stability & Patience

· People with extraordinarily strong Shani are capable of achieving a lot in life

· Color: BLACK

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