Hello my Earth Goddess,
You’re emerging AND cocooning this month, a strange dance you’ll learn to master in the coming months. Taurus season invites you to put your desires boldly into the world, get comfortable saying what you want, because we are all listening.

A long-term goal - you know, the one you keep thinking about but keep putting off - could become a major focus this month. An opportunity may arise to learn more about it from an expert or a mentor. While you may still be a long way off from implementing this plan into your life, this is the right time to begin formulating your ideas and thinking about how you want to approach it. A quirky idea that was only a joke before could take on new meaning in May.
Someone may have overheard or discussed this with you, Taurus, and they may have ideas where it can be applied realistically. Even if you weren't taking it seriously, this may be worth considering. There is a big focus on self-expression around the second week of the month. You may have something to say but you have not been able to find the right words, but it is now becoming easier. Once you start sharing, you should find that your emotions will flow through your words. Don't be afraid to start that conversation. Recent financial challenges may come to the fore later in the month, forcing you to come to a decision about a purchase or an investment.
Don't do anything without consulting someone who can validate what you want to do as the wisest thing. Not only will this make you feel more secure, but it will also ensure that you are being as efficient as you can be with your plans.
Look out and mark your calendars because around May 30th, moneymaking opportunities and a chance to add more stability to your life just might blow through your doors.
1st week of May
You have not yet received recognition for something you feel quite proud of. We all thrive when we are praised because it can validate our achievement, but that's not really necessary. Inner evolution comes when you recognize that being proud of your efforts really is enough, and anything else is the icing on the cake. This week, Taurus, if you are feeling a bit glum about a significant achievement not being recognized, honor it yourself and celebrate in some way. Recognition may come later, but you absolutely have something to be proud of, and nothing can take away from that. You may be feeling overworked, either in your career or in some endeavor you took on to help someone out. But if you don't speak up, you may not get the relief and assistance you need. You shouldn't see that as complaining because you are by nature a very hard-working individual, and if you are feeling overwhelmed, that must mean that it's just too much. Speak up for yourself this week so that things can be streamlined. A shift in perspective could occur in a matter connected to a conflict with a friend. Be open to seeing a new side of it.
Love Days: 10, 15
Money Days: 30, 21
Luck Days: 28, 19
Off Days: 25, 13, 16