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Aquarius... you windy Goddess

You are radiating charm and class right now, Aquarius, and so anything you want or need to do will be especially blessed by your ability to draw in the help you need to get things done. New month, new you, Aquarius! Yours starts off strong with the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1. This is your yearly cosmic re-birth—it’s time to operate from a fresh slate. How do you want to be perceived? Own it and step into your power now! Don't be shy about tapping friends or associates for necessary resources.

Your ideas often result in great adventures, and anyone who knows you will be happy to come along for the ride. If you find that you do need to reach out to someone who isn't particularly friendly towards you, try to involve a middleman to get your message across more favorably. Family news that arrives this month may be a source of great joy, and it may be up to you to initiate a celebration. Don't put this off because a loved one may count on you to help mark a milestone. A financial arrangement, a legal contract, or a handshake agreement could come into play around the third week of February. Just be sure that you not only know the depth and breadth of what you're getting into, but also that it's something you really want, for this could be a big commitment that is binding and that will be enforced. Life in general should be slowly getting better and calmer for you. This month will usher in the beginning of this realization, and you will start to see small signs of the beginnings of this change.

Important Dates:

  • Feb 11th - Pay attention to your dreams.

  • Feb 18th - Pay attention to your finances and resources.

  • Feb 24th - You might accidentally hurt some feelings.

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